Last year we visited Kipplingcotes Chalk pit hoping to see Dingy Skippers but another photographer told us we were too late in the year to see them so a mental note to visit earlier next year was made.
Being late May we decided that the time was right. The day was sunny but windy and it was too early for many of the wild flowers that grow here.
The area around the chalk pit is farmed although some land is too steep to be cultivated. The fields are bordered with hedgerows.
Due to the wind the day was not ideal for butterfly spotting but there was plenty of bird life about including Yellowhammers and Meadow pipits
Every so often a butterfly would appear but not settle and moved along with the sometimes strong gusts of wind. Eventually I saw a Common blue land and managed a couple of photos before it moved off.
It now seemed as though there was little chance of seeing our target species but as we made our way back we finally saw some. The wind again made things difficult but one finally landed for long enough for a photo. Our search was over.
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