Saturday, 17 April 2010

Out and About- Episode 2 (thanks to Jem's Stout!)

With my back well on the way to recovery I felt more able to venture further afield. Mrs Wolds-End returned from a local trip to buy provisions with a gift for me in the form of a fine bottle of "Jem's Stout" from the Great Newsome Brewery . Shortly after enjoying this I noticed that the last remnants of back pain had gone - coincidence perhaps but I was reminded of the time a few years ago that I twisted my ankle while walking in Dentdale. It was quite painful for the rest of the day but in the evening I managed to hobble to the pub and on sampling a pint of the Dent Brewery's "T'Owd Tup" my bad ankle felt very warm and the pain subsided!

Anyway whatever the reason I was anxious to get out and we made our first visit of the year to Kiplingcotes Chalk Pit and the nearby Rifle Butts Quarry.

As we arrived at Kiplingcotes the blue sky clouded over and there was a very chilly breeze. A buzzard took off from a nearby field and there were a few rabbits about. In weeks to come there will be plenty of wild flowers and butterflies but today all we saw was a solitary Red tailed bumblebee.

We walked down the track to Rifle Butts Quarry and on the way saw a pair of Marsh Tits (well I think they were Marsh and not Willow tits going by the a pale spot on the proximal part of the upper mandible that according to internet sources is a pretty reliable way of telling them apart).

The light was not good at this point but we could see blue sky approaching. A Buzzard was flying nearby and a few Rooks were trying to make it leave the area. They were against the light with grey sky behind and I decided that as there was no way of showing any detail of the birds I would expose for the grey sky and quite liked the result with the Rooks having their beaks open.


There was little happening at Rifle Butts Quarry and we made our way back, seeing a Chaffinch and Robin. As we got back to the car the sun came out and the first Sand martin I have seen this year flew past.

A couple of days later we went into York. I only had my camera phone with me but could not resist taking a photo of the Greylag goslings. What good parents geese are - keeping a close eye on their offspring as tourists approach and take photos. They proved very popular on the day and I think add to the attractions of York but then as far as wildlife goes I admit to being biased.


  1. I agree the Rooks picture works well. Do you recommend taking the stout internally or rubbing it on the aches and pains?

  2. Thanks for your comment.

    As regards the stout I must admit I went on instinct and took it internally. However in the interests of medical science I think I should obtain a few more bottles and experiment.

  3. I like your pic of the Rooks its very dramatic. We visited Kiplingcotes Chalk Pit and Rifle Butts for the first time last summer but didn't manage to see a great deal. As you mentioned they're both good for wildflowers & butterflies so maybe a future visit is worth a try.
